
Sewer Drain Cleaning in Edmond, OK

When you dump out that little remaining coffee from your cup in the drain in Edmond, OK, do you ever think about the route it goes through the sewer? Your sewer drain is where all of the wastewater from your property goes, and if this gets clogged you could have serious issues.

Calling our team from Amped Plumbing to do an inspection and sewer drain cleaning is the right option to ensure that your drains continue to operate as they should. Even a little bit of blockage can hamper proper operation and lead to issues. Contact us today to schedule your sewer drain cleaning and inspection.

team performing sewer drain cleaning in Edmond, OK
clean sewer drain after sewer drain cleaning in Edmond, OK

Sewer Main Line Replacement in Edmond

There are many reasons why you may need a sewer main line replacement at your property. It might be tree roots that forced their way into the sewer line, or it might be that your sewer line got clogged up with things sent down the drain – hair, grease, and other things. A sewer line that is clogged is considered a top plumbing emergency, so if you find that all of your drains are doing so slower than normal, make the call to our team to come out and inspect your main sewer line.

In some cases, the main sewer line is too damaged to repair so it must be replaced. When this happens it unfortunately means that we’ll have to dig up part of your property to get to the sewer line. Then we can disconnect the damaged line and replace it with a new sewer line. The most important part of all of this will be to keep this new sewer line cleaned regularly to prevent future damage and replacement prematurely.

Keeping Your Sewer Running Clean in Edmond, Oklahoma

Having to replace your main sewer line is an expensive prospect, but when you compare that against the small cost of having your sewer line inspected and cleaned out regularly, our maintenance cost is very minimal in Edmond, Oklahoma. Our team of expert plumbers at Amped Plumbing will take the time to thoroughly investigate the project and come up with innovative repairs or replacements for a long-lasting solution. Don’t wait until your sinks or toilet are backing up into your bathroom or kitchen, call us the moment you have drainage issues.

About Edmond, OK

Edmond lies in the Sandstone Hills region of Central Oklahoma, known for hills, blackjack oak, and post oak. The city falls into an ecological region known as the Cross Timbers. Consistent northerly winds during the winter can intensify cold periods. Severe ice storms and snowstorms happen sporadically during the winter. The city of Edmond is making efforts to promote public art with murals, stained glass, and steel sculptures.

Contact us today for your sewer line cleaning and inspection.